Welcome to Tina Cowley Reading Centres

At Tina Cowley Reading Centres, we believe in READING  and with reading, comes success for our most precious investment – our children.

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We work systemically, by addressing all relevant aspects associated with reading, such as eye kinetics; brain gym and handle therapy (to name a few!) that allow all micro systems in the body to work together as one big macro system.

We consider our students’ brain dominance and teach them how to study smart and not hard – according to their own unique brain profile.

At Tina Cowley Reading Centres we focus on READING and assist our students to use this tool correctly.

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WhatsApp Clara on: +27600702695

Does your child have a barrier to learning?

At Tina Cowley Reading Centres, we conduct a scientific test of your child’s reading ability to establish an understanding of their reading level.

We work systematically to address all possible aspects that may influence reading ability challenges and findings outside our field are refered to occupational and / or speech therapists as well as psychologists.


Attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurologically based behavioural disorder. Symptoms include hyperactivity, impulsivity, and distractibility/inattention.

Neuro Focus Therapy offered at Tina Cowley Reading Centres uses computerised exercises to help students to increase focus and concentration.

Over time, through deliberate practice, students can learn to increase focus and concentration. Gradually, even ADHD students can retain the skills necessary to be successful in the home and classroom.

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Look out for these signs of profile of a child with a reading problem:

1. Problems distinguising foreground from background

2. Problems with laterality

3. Right brain dominant

4. Excellent mathematical skills

5. Switch words around in the spoken language

6. Bad handwriting

7. Above average intelligence

8. Poor self image

Improve the skills required to read effeciently

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